April 3, 2016

Play Outside

The environment outside the home is exciting for children, as well as for Fatih. With play outside, a lot of things that could Fatih exploration in its own way. Teach and let Fatih playing outside in hopes of teaching them to learn through their experiences in the outside.



Curious about something

Play outside to have a positive impact on the growth and development of the mind of the children. For example boldly dirty, whatever kids do out there will be a good learning materials for them. Provide an opportunity to explore the environment directly and receive stimulation and pleasure through the process of finding and creativity in play through the experience, not just spending time in the house.

However, sometimes there are worried about the dangers that may occur when letting children play in the outdoor too often. Hence the importance of adult control when letting children play outside in order to prevent unwanted things.

In a control

A moment with Ayah

As the parents, we are committed to provide the opportunity for our children (Fatih and Ayesha) to play outdoors, explore nature, learn by watching and observing nature around so that they could one day more concerned about the maintenance and preservation of the environment.

All activity Fatih outsides when under two years



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