January 20, 2016

A Moment Fatih Swim

In general, babies love water and love to swim and play water … Fatih to.  According to the expert, swim make children happy and also train their motor, besides teaching babies to swim from an early age to be able to make it comfortable and not fussy.  However, the safety factor should always be a priority to take the baby swimming.

Some things to attention when bringing a baby swimming:
  • Do step by step according to the age and development of the baby.  The right age to start training babies to swim is to start at the age of 6 months, because at this age generally baby can sit upright and propped himself quite well.
  • Choose the swimming pool were kept clean, clear water, not too cold, not too crowded, and not too hot because of the sun.
  • Use “Neck Ring” for baby with the right size and air pressure suitable, and always in the care of the elderly.
  • Do not forget to put “telon” oil after swimming to avoid colds.
Activities swim is done properly and regularly trains courage early, accustomed to water sports, and able to master their fear.  Besides swimming is also beneficial to help muscle growth child because swimming requires every muscle motor movement and can improve the baby's body resistance to disease.

Equally important, the swimming activity conducted bonding with parents will foster a sense of compassion and solidarity with children. This method is also effective to train it to adapt and socialize early on. 

a moment Fatih swim

Fatih and Ayah swimming


  1. Fatih so cute :D. Emebem pipinya.

    Can hardly wait your next english blog post :)

  2. Thanks, Pipinya nggak tembem lagi sekarang. Makasih udah mampi, salam kenal


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