January 3, 2016

The First Experience Fatih on a Plane

The first experience Fatih travel on a plane when he was two weeks old, when I had to bring Fatih home back to Makassar. Fatih was born in Bandung because when I’m studying in that city, pregnant and had to take the test to make us (I and my husband) decided to Fatih birth (first child) in Bandung.

After the recovery period is completed and my school temporary sorted out, we decided to bring Fatih return to Makassar and plan to go back to Bandung after Fatih three months old. Appropriate expert advice, when the plane take-off and landing Fatih must breastfeed or giving a pacifier to suck, this is to anticipate when there are changes in the air pressure in a plane that can lead to ear pain. Activities breastfeeding or sucking a pacifier to balance the pressure in the ear, in addition to breastfeeding, fatih ears covered with cotton in order to avoid the effects of noise and air pressure.

During on the plane Fatih more asleep despite cry for a while just before take-off. Fatih body in order to stay warm blast of air conditioning which is right on top of me turned off, and remain tucked it feel warm and cosy. Alhamdulillah after a journey of two hours, we arrived safely and Fatih still sleeping soundly.  This is the first experience with my baby (Fatih) on plane. 

Sleep on The Way to The Airport

In Waiting Room



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